Civilization 5 longer eras mod direct download

Formulapower , Jan 31, I have found the bug and have released v. Joined: Jul 2, Messages: Those of us playing on Macs can install mods but don't have access to the ingame Mod Browser.

Any way you can make this available on the abovementioned mod download page? Joined: Aug 19, Messages: I would really like to use this, but do not have access to the in game browser. Could you please make it available for download? Verdian , Feb 4, Yea I'll see what I can do. I have never uploaded one on here. I'll figure it out and do it sometime this weekend or early next week. Formulapower , Feb 4, Joined: Nov 27, Messages: 7.

This mod interests me a lot. Has anyone played the rev 3 of this mod extensively? Any feedback? Is Formulapower still active with it?

Thanks for making it available, Formulapower. At any rate, I'll give it a go. This was removed from Civilization 5 along with all other random mechanics that negatively impact gameplay. Of course not everyone agrees, as some would even argue that the world feels more realistic with these random events in place. Immersion is key to some gamers. The Real Natural Disasters mod reintroduces earthquakes, flood, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, and the like. These mostly come by neglecting the overall health of your cities, which is based on factors such as water access, resources, and tourism keep those foreigners visiting!

Trade routes and tourism play major roles in keeping diseases away, so make sure to monitor your international relations as well. This increased importance to micromanagement is an exciting way to spice up your next Civ 5 playthrough.

Up your survival game in the early stages of the game by keeping your citizens healthy until you can build research facilities to discover cures. With no shortage of additional content, this mod includes 12 playable civilizations each with unique traits, along with special units and buildings.

A small, simple fix that saves you loads of time by doubling aircraft animation speeds. Check it out and see for yourself. The R. Unit scaling has been cited by many as an issue with Civilization games. And this mod gives your units not only fresh models but also updated formations to match.

The updated unit models do look quite nice, as unit appearances are now better matched to their civilizations. This also makes it much easier to differentiate unit types as quite a bit of detail is added. One more helpful detail here is sizing, where units are sized much more realistically relative to one another. For example, archers are now smaller than catapults. This should give you a better understanding of unit differences with a quick glance instead of having to go through all the stats each time.

Probably the silliest mod on the list, Strange Religions is just a fun way to add new content to Civ 5. Choose to have your citizens worship the Invisible Pink Unicorn, be part of the Sith Order, or subscribe to Pastafarianism — anything is possible really.

It greatly improves the world generation aspect of the game to create more realistic terrain. Mountains, deserts, and forests now appear in places that make much more sense — giving the map a much more vibrant and natural feel. Other than the aesthetic value of this mod, resources are located in different areas of the map as well. Following the jungles and water sources, resource placement will have more of an impact on how you play through the game. Immersion at its finest. I now know my agents are not levelling up because they have always failed to stop an enemy agent.

I have the agent in the city that the tech was stolen from, but he seems to not do anything about it. I might just be very unlucky, but it has happen 10 times now.

Chuck Finley [author] 11 Sep pm. Thank you everyone. As for agents, I haven't seen or heard anyone saying agents are not leveling.

Also this mod doesn't change any of the scripts that deal with them. I don't know if it's the mod, but my agents are not levelling up. They have been at recruit since they was introduced and I'm in the Year s now!

AlanTheTailor 16 Jul pm. PYR0 12 Jul pm. Torgo 18 Mar pm. Laser Samurai 21 Jan pm. I agree with Max, I would love this mod, if it where just a little back. It is too extreme of a jump for me. LazySoda 14 Feb, pm. Hello There. I do not know if anyone still updates this mod anymore or takes a look at except for other fans of this mod. I have come across an issue that hinders my enjoyment of this mod. It always worked for me. Been using them for a couple of years now.

However, this no longer is doable. I was able to find the problem exists between this mod and the Ultimate Eras Mod are not compatible.

When they use to. What happens is when I start a modded match, everyone works but when I found my city I find that I can not produce anything and my research tech tree is empty when I pull it up. Can't end the turn either. You probably have to click on "Next" after checking the mod. Kaiser 9 Jan, pm. QQue 12 Oct, am. What happens with the AI on higher difficulties?


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